Check Your Pulse

I do many things on impulse, without thinking. Can I overthink a situation? Maybe my first thought is correct. On the other hand, what if my belief is wrong?
Our pulse reveals heart health.
I think I’m doing fine—until I find out I’m not.
I can’t count the number of costly times when I was so focused on one thing that I missed something more important—like the time I wasn’t paying attention to my driving and got a speeding ticket. Or when I was so deep into writing that I lost track of time and missed my appointment.
How we feel can be deceptive.
Show me ten people in a home group, and I’ll show you ten different convictions about what is true. Group members tend not to be aware of their differences, because of all the beliefs that are agreed. Or at least they think they are.
When people share my belief, their support gives me greater reason to assume it is true. But my comfort in what I believe might be the very thing that keeps me from what is actually true.
Testing reveals the truth.
I was taught never to question what the Bible says. But actually, I was being told not to question an interpretation, which didn’t always seem to match reality.
If I believe a lie, how can I know it’s a lie? Since the lie is my truth, the only way I can know is to consider a conflicting belief. Only by testing can I know for sure that I have it right.
Blind faith leads people to fall into the ditch.
Unfortunately, history tells of Christians who became atheists by disbelieving the truth so they could accept a lie as truth. Do I really want to know the truth, or do I just want to feel good about myself?
To be sure, I must keep checking my pulse.
While earning their masters degrees and doctoral credentials, making themselves appear wise, they become fools . . . they exchange the truth of God for the lies they want to believe, worshiping the creature instead of the Creator. — Romans 1:22, 24